The Artist Behind the Camera Made of Watch Parts

Dan Tenenbaum, a Canadian artist, has a remarkable gift for breathing new life into discarded watch components. His intricate creations are encrusted with thousands of watch pieces, and each one takes upwards of 50 hours to complete. Through his unique artistry, Tenenbaum transforms "junk pieces" into stunning works of art.

"I’ve been a collector of many things throughout my life but fell in love with watch collecting as it was a collection you can wear. Watches carry generations of energy and experiences – worn at weddings, births, funerals – and to see them in a bucket on the way to a junk heap wasn’t something I ever wanted to see. So, when I would find a 'junk piece,' I’d grab it and breathe new life into it in a different form so it can live again."

To learn more about Dan Tenenbaum and his incredible watch-part creations, you can read the full story on Watchonista.

Value $2,500