James J. Cathey Scholarship of Honor

United States Marine Corps 2nd Lt. James J. Cathey, 24, Reno, NV

United States Marine Corps
2nd Lt. James J. Cathey, 24, Reno, NV

James graduated from Reno High School in 1998. He joined the Marine Reserves at 17, and attended the University of Colorado to study history and anthropology. His wife Katherine was 4 months pregnant when James was killed in Iraq in August, 2005. Their son, Jimmy, was born on December 22, 2005. James also leaves a loving daughter, Casey. He was looking forward to getting back home to be with his wife and new baby.

In 2025, the James Cathey Scholarship of Honor will be available through the Truckee Meadows Community College.




Matthew Welch is studying Biology at the  University of Nevada- Reno


Jinren Jiang is enlisting in the Army and studying at University of Reno


Chloe Bonnenfant is in the Nevada National Guard and studying Pre-Med at the University of Reno.


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Aislinn Behan is studying Nutrition (pre-med) at University of Nevada Reno.


Christian Marquez enlisted in the United States Marine Corps


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Kendall Knuf is pursuing a degree in Nursing at the University of Nevada- Reno


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Caden Miller is studying Elementary Education









Bradley L Tsiopos is studying Aerospace Engineering at the Air Force Academy Or Naval Academy


Cristina Adame Delgado is studying Secondary Education at the University of Reno



Cristina Adame Delgado is studying pre-dentristy at the University of Reno




Christiana Karcher is attending the Unveristy of Arizona to study Pre-Med



Brent Bremer enlisted in the United States Army



Jacob McCreary enlisted in the United States Army



Ray Obenauf participated in the ROTC at the University of Nevada with the hopes of making a career in the field of research and development



Kyle Auld attended United States Naval Academy. He had plans to serve our country as a Marine officer.



Anastasia Gunawan studied Nursing and was involved with the ROTC.



Erin Etnyre is the 2008 recipient of the James J. Cathey Scholarship of Honor. Erin enrolled in a pre-med program and participated in junior ROTC.



Anthony Julian F. Angeles is the first recipient of the James J. Cathey Scholarship of Honor.



5 Star Endowment Contributors

Remembering the Brave Foundation

4 Star Contributors

2 Star Contributors

  • Checkers Industrial Products, Inc. and Rimstar, Incorporated

    Frontier Airlines

    Government Contract Specialists - Bill Miller

    Weyers Family Foundation