Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor
United States Army Spc.
Kyle Hemauer, 21, Chilton, WI
Remembering Kyle is easy for the people of Chilton. He's the former all-conference punter on the football team, the quiet guy with a good heart, the hard-working son looking to make a difference in his community. Kyle joined the Army National Guard after graduating in 2001 from Chilton High School to help pay for his continuing education. He was proud to serve and proud to do his part in Operation Enduring Freedom. Kyle will be missed, but his smile and his spirit of caring will never be forgotten.
Starting in 2025, the Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor is awarded through CollegeReady (you can apply by clicking on the link).
Zachary Halbach is studying Nursing at Northern Michigan University
Will Fuerbringer is studying Social Work at Siena college
Sofia Billmann is pursuing a degree in Nursing at University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Kayla Stenz is studying Diagnostic Medical Sonography at Concordia University.
Allison Biese is studying Nursing at Fox Valley Tech
Erica Brehmer has enlisted in the Marine Corps and is studying Criminal Justice at Fox Valley Tech
Caitlynne Siech is studying Early Childhood Education at UWGB
Ashley Meier is studying Education at UW Green Bay
Emily Karls is studying Physical Therapy at Concordia University
Renee Schmitz is studying Biology at the University of Wisconsin Madison
Marcus Wise is attending UW-Lacrosse to study pre-medicine
Joshua Geiser is pursing a degree in criminal justice
Andrew Kopecky studied Agriculture and Adaptive Physical Education at UW-Fox Valley.
Chelsea Kilgas entered into the field of Nursing at the Unversity Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Brian Sattler is pictured here with Col. Rich Appel who was key in the establishment of this award in honor of Kyle. Brian entered into the Actuarial Science Field
Kalin Hephner studied Nursing at Marion College
The 2008 Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor was awarded to Luke Kolbe. Luke studied business.
The 2007 Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor was awarded to Allison Jannett. Allison studied music education.
The 1st annual Kyle Hemauer Scholarship of Honor was awarded to Mireille Lehrer-Brey. Mireille who majored in education.
4 Star Contributors
American Legion Auxiliary Grassold-Schmidlkofer Unit 125
3 Star Contributors
Andy & Anne Hemauer
2 Star Contributors
Col. Rich Appel
Community Bank & Trust
Chilton Lions Club
Michael Engler
State Bank of Chilton
Weyers Family Foundation
1 Star Contributors
Alliance Manufacturing
Chilton High Student Council
Jerry & Anne Juckem
Arlyn & Patricia Julka
Jacqueline Halbach
Therese Hemauer
Dale Koehler
Marjorie Krueger
Keith & Gail Schommer
The Style Inn - Cristine Stone
John Suttner
Wieting Family Funeral Home
Federal Primary Campaign Fund of Citizens for Tom Petrie
Special Dedication Contributors
Chilton Senior Citizens
Henry & Hildegard Depies
Peggy Hemauer
Elaine Hessil
Ray & Diane Hoerth
Jenny Koffarnus
Delores Schmitz
Judy & Tom Schwobe
Suttner Cheese
Robert Wilberscheid
Tom & Jane Woelfel
Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary Social Fund