Mark Gaulke, a 1998 DePere High School graduate is currently in a combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics residence at The Marshfield Clinic-St. Joseph’s Hospital Program in Marshfield, WI. Mark graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in May of this year. He got his Bachelor’s degree in Human biology with a health science emphasis at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in 2002.
During Med school he was able to experience a two-month course in Malawi and Zambia, South-central Africa. He worked with the Mwembezhi Lutheran Rural Health Center. “It was amazing,” Mark said. “The Lutheran Rural Health Center brought these two country together with both language and cultures.” Mark worked and observed at a 25-bed hospital, which he said was more like free clinic. “Next to the hospital was a preschool where all kids 6-8 years old. All of their father’s were dead. All have AIDS. All Mal-nutrition. The only green grass they see everyday is at that preschool.” His time in Africa was not only educational, but life changing.
Mark will spend two years in the Pediatrics Program and two years in Internal Medicine. After he become Board certified in 2010, he plans to stay in Primary care. “Ideally, in a rural area in Wisconsin.” What an exciting journey!