Nick Kulkoski, the 2009 Recipient of the Brian LaViolette Scholarship is studying at New York University. His first year is going well. He is taking advantage of what the big city has to offer, meeting a lot of new lifelong friends and undertook 18 credits in his first semester. This semester he is taking Calculus III, Principles of Financial Accounting, Microeconomics and others..nothing like starting strong! He plans to join the Actuarial Society as soon as he begins taking classes towards his major of Actuarial Science.
He writes, "
None of the experiences I have and will encounter at college would have been possible without the help of Brian's Foundation. I would like to thank you again for all of your help and I look forward to spending the next three and half years of schooling with you."Ben Fischl, the 2008 Brian LaViolette Sc

holarship is currently at the United States Naval Academy. Before his appointment began, he spent some time in Rwanda with some mission work, which he states 'changed his life'. He is back at the Academy studying Arabic, Military History, Law, Economics, Engineering Mechanics and will start flying gliders next month! He is enjoying his time and like Nick, taking full advantage of his learning and life experiences along the way!