Changing the World

"This is such a tremendous honor for me to be able to come back and say I'm giving back to the community that helped raise me," said Sal Guinta at John F. Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on May 1st.
Medal of Honor recipient, Sal Giunta presented the first annual Sal Giunta Scholarship of Honor at his alma mater.  This scholarship is special, because it honors the two soldiers he tried to save, Sgt. Joshua Brennan and Spc. Hugo Medndoza. 

Abi Gray is this years recipient  She has applied to the United States Air Force Academy and plans on studying Areospace Engineering. In Abi's words, "I want to help my community and country as much as I am able so that I can give others the same feeling of gratuity to this country that I experience every day."

When asked about the Scholarship of Honor, Sal replied, ""I'm so proud of that. I think anytime you have people trying to help people it's a good thing and I want to do a good thing. People helping people is positive," said Guinta.

“I can't even dream this stuff up. It's just wild how not part of my plan this was, and how great of a new plan this has created for me,"

Please take a few minutes to view this wonderful news story on our first annual Sal Giunta Scholarship of Honor at JFK High School in Cedar Rapids, IA as well as the growth of Brian's Foundation