Hello Doug, Renee, Kim and the rest of the Foundation!
Before the semester gets going too fast, I wanted to take a moment to share with you what’s going on in my life at the moment. I am starting my second year at UW-Madison and as of last semester I have fully transitioned into the computer science major and I’m considering a double major in Political Science. I loved my computer classes last semester, so I think this will be a great fit.
Bailey received the Brian LaViolette Scholarship in 2018. He is pictured here with his parents (left) and Doug and Renee LaViolette
It was a very difficult decision for me, but this summer I decided to stay and work in Madison. I was nervous at first—most of my friends went back home to see their families and meet up with friends from high school. However, it ended up working out! I took another computer course, got promoted to student manager at the IT Help Desk where I work and I met so many new people here in Madison. Not to mention, I experienced the fun the city has to offer in the warm weather, music at the terrace, walks by Lake Mendota and the Capitals Farmer’s Market to name a few.
Bailey with UW-Madison, Bucky Badger
Switching gears to this semester, I already love my professors from my first day of class yesterday. For example, my philosophy professor started out class by playing an electric violin! I also have been working with a couple friends from work to start a new IT service management company.
Bailey with his sister and mom
I want to thank you all again for helping me to pursue my education here at UW-Madison. I am so grateful that I am able to go to class every day and learn just a little more about the subjects I enjoy. Thank you so much for everything you do!
Bailey Conradt, 2018 Brian LaViolette Scholarship Recipient
P.S. I hope you like the paper I am writing on’ it’s a gift from my girlfriend, Madeline, and she insists we use it for our eventual presidential run (she’d be president of course!)